Immerse yourself in the magical world of the TSUM TSUM plush toy series as Disney Store Japan proudly celebrates its 10th anniversary with an enchanting collection. In collaboration with renowned artist Sebastian Masuda, the father of kawaii culture in Japan, this festive collection presents a vibrant, candy-colored aesthetic inspired by the joy of a piñata (kusudama). Discover a variety of treasures including plush toys, statement hoodies, hats and everyday items like tissue box covers, pencil cases, foldable umbrellas and eco-friendly bags.
Visionary artist Sebastian Masuda, founder of the iconic store “6% DOKIDOKI” in Harajuku, unleashes his creative magic in this collection. Known for the groundbreaking PONPONPON music video by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and the creation of the unforgettable KAWAII MONSTER CAFE and the Colorful Rebellion - World Time Clock in Harajuku, Masuda brings a unique touch to this anniversary collection.
The anniversary experience continues in October when Disney Store Japan unveils new Tsum Tsum with autumnal themes and enchanting costumes every Tuesday. Immerse yourself in the warm designs of roasted sweet potatoes and chestnuts, snuggle up in cozy checked clothing and be enchanted by winter characters like foxes and polar bears. These limited editions are the perfect addition to the fall and winter seasons.
Explore the magic behind every plush toy and creative creation and join us in celebrating the 10th anniversary of the TSUM TSUM series - a tribute to love, creativity and the wonderful world of Disney. Now available from us!